This is the stream below Hidden Falls.
The pictures do not do the falls justice, but they were amazing!
The boys with a saloon gorl in the town square.
We are currently just south of Jackson Hole, WY! It is beautiful here! If it didn't snow 11 out of 12 months, I might consider extended time here! We arrived here on Monday afternoon. Just hung out for a few hours. Today we got up and went into Grand Tetons National Park. Coming around the curve in the road and seeing the snow peaked mountains known as the Tetons was unbelieveable!! Stephen and I agreed that it is as if we are in another country. How can this possibly be USA? We are so fortunate to have all of this preserved for us and our kids!
We headed to Jenny Lake, took the boat across and did the hike to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point. I should say that Melissa and I went a bit above the falls and then watched Stephen and Rick climb the rest of the way. Again, I am height challenged and did not feel up to the part of a billy goat this afternoon. The falls were breath taking. As you neared them, you could feel the great change in temperature as the water is the snow melt coming down the mountain. The lake itself has a temperature of 60 in the top 10 inches and then who knows where it goes from there!?! The walk to the falls was probably the most beatiful thing I have seen in a very long time. I tried to take some pictures, but of course they don't do it justice.
After we finished at the lake, we meandered our way up thru the park. We got to see a moose and a white pelican near the Jackson Lake Dam. Pretty cool! After another hour or so, we headed back to Jackson for the shot out in the town square. Very entertaining. Melissa was very upset that I took a picture of her brother and dad with one of the saloon girls!!
It stays light here until almost 10:00. The sun went down a long time ago, but still have daylight. Here are a couple of pics for you. Anxiously awaiting Auntie Missy'a arrival on Thursday!! I think Melissa would sit at the camper and just wait, if I let her!
You speak of God's awesome beauty...however, I did not see one picture of God. I find one sister in particular very confusing. :o)
Keep on keepin' on! Deb
You're such a goober!
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